
Monday 13 May 2019

Jax attacking the humongous eagle.

Jax attacking the humongous eagle.

“ In midday it was 2 days ago on Tuesday. Jax was walking around the train station waiting for his train. Suddenly he heard a strange noise flying through the sky. Jax saw an humongous eagle coming towards him and took Jax to it’s den, however Jax was able to get on top of the eagle riding it like an skateboard in the air.

As Jax was getting on top of the eagle riding it. He thought he could control the eagle, but Jax punched it about 5 times in the eye because he was afraid of heights. Luckily the eagle went down so Jax could get off the eagle. And he ran away saying that he’ll never ever walk along the train station again.

Meanwhile, Jax was running into the forbidden forest. “Jax was lost, he tried to find his way back home, and he heard his phone ringing. It was his mum, Jax couldn’t get a hold of her, so Jax sat down next to an oak tree staring at his feet. But there was no way he would give up that easy.

So he kept running finding his way out of the forbidden forest. 

After that Jax stopped. He looked at a bright beautiful light shining at his face. Jax walked to it and finally escaped from the forbidden forest and ran home as fast as he could. Than Jax reached his street, Jax saw his house. It was about 6 houses away from him.

Jax could still make it. He glanced to his left and right. After that he stopped and tripped over her mum’s foot.

Jax’s mum hollered “ where were you Jax?.” I was worried about you” Jax’s mum exclaimed again.

Jax whispered,”I was nowhere mum, it’s almost 8:00pm Jax’s mum exclaimed. ‘’Yeah I know mum Jax answered.”

So Jax went inside with his mum having their favourite dinner, Pancakes.”

As Jax finished his pancakes he went to have a hot bath in his bathtub, after his hot bath he brushed his teeth and went to go put his dirty clothes in the basket in the washing house. And Jax went to his room and changed into his pajamas.

Than Jax got up and snuggled into his nice warm cuddly bed.

Jax looked at the time and it was 9:12pm. Jax played on his Play-Station 4 playing fortnite, then Jax slept until morning. As the time went through the night there was the shining sun, and Jax hoped it was a good day for him.


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